PII Tools Report

Main Summary

License Non-transferable End Business license by ACME CORP
Affected scans
  • HR files (s3)
    Start Time: 2024-05-17 14:34:20.795912
    End Time: 2024-05-17 14:34:52.297953
    Active detectors: address, bank_account, city, country, country_code, credit_card, date_of_birth, driving_licence, email, face, first_name, gender, health, health_id, id_scan, ip, last_name, name, passport, password, phone, race, religious_views, routing_number, sexual_preference, ssn, tax_id, username
Total size of all files 28.0 MB
Total objects scanned 1021
Total objects with PII 638
Severity: 3-CRITICAL 75
Severity: 2-HIGH 70
Severity: 1-LOW 493

PII Severity Descriptions

Severity Description
NONE No personal data-related risk identified in this object.
LOW Some potentially identifying information detected, such as an isolated IP address or user name. This personal data is also covered by GDPR, but people typically don’t care to protect this type of data.
HIGH Detected multiple pieces of information that is reasonably public, such as phone numbers, street addresses or full names. A person would unhappy if this data was made public explicitly.
CRITICAL Passwords, bank account information, credit card numbers; social security and national ids; health, political and sexual information. Direct risk of identity theft, blackmail, financial damage or loss of job.

PII Categories Summary

PII Category Severity: 3-CRITICAL Severity: 2-HIGH Severity: 1-LOW
Personal 74 66 492
Financial 4 2 0
Security 50 2 1
Sensitive 6 6 0
National 16 0 0
Medical 4 0 0

Document Type Summary

Document Type Severity: 3-CRITICAL Severity: 2-HIGH Severity: 1-LOW
csv 7 38 11
eml 1 0 70
jpg 12 0 50
json 0 0 3
jsonl 2 0 0
pdf 4 13 46
png 3 0 2
txt 45 19 301
xlsx 1 0 0
xml 0 0 10

PII Type Summary

PII Type Affected objects Total unique instances
address 126 811
bank_account 4 120
city 16 447
country 7 193
country_code 6 122
credit_card 2 119
date_of_birth 15 89
email 402 1023
face 67 66
first_name 451 760
gender 6 3
health 4 7
id_scan 15 15
ip 3 121
last_name 451 1167
name 512 2919
password 46 19
phone 166 1417
religious_views 3 14
routing_number 1 1
sexual_preference 4 17
ssn 1 100
username 40 289

Object Owner Summary

Owner Severity: 3-CRITICAL Severity: 2-HIGH Severity: 1-LOW
cva 4 2 6
jayant 41 6 45
radimrehurek 29 62 350
xpomikal 0 0 8