37 W. 17th St.New York, NY 10011 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 39} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `3321 31st Ave.A…`, `541 Amsterdam A…`, `533 Hudson St.N…`, `285 W. 12th St.…`
533 Hudson St.New York, NY 10014 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 40} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `541 Amsterdam A…`, `37 W. 17th St.N…`, `285 W. 12th St.…`, `8 W. 58th St.Ne…`
285 W. 12th St.New York, NY 10014 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 41} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `37 W. 17th St.N…`, `533 Hudson St.N…`, `8 W. 58th St.Ne…`, `St. Giles Hotel…`
8 W. 58th St.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 42} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `533 Hudson St.N…`, `285 W. 12th St.…`, `St. Giles Hotel…`, `141 W. 10th St.…`
St. Giles Hotel - The Court130 E. 39th St.New York, NY 10016 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 43} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `285 W. 12th St.…`, `8 W. 58th St.Ne…`, `141 W. 10th St.…`, `967 Lexington A…`
141 W. 10th St.New York, NY 10014 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 44} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `8 W. 58th St.Ne…`, `St. Giles Hotel…`, `967 Lexington A…`, `863 Ninth Ave.N…`
967 Lexington Ave.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 45} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `St. Giles Hotel…`, `141 W. 10th St.…`, `863 Ninth Ave.N…`, `47 W. 56th St.N…`
863 Ninth Ave.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 46} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `141 W. 10th St.…`, `967 Lexington A…`, `47 W. 56th St.N…`, `603 Second Ave.…`
47 W. 56th St.New York, NY 10019 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 47} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `967 Lexington A…`, `863 Ninth Ave.N…`, `603 Second Ave.…`, `1431 Third Ave.…`
603 Second Ave.New York, NY 10016 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 48} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `863 Ninth Ave.N…`, `47 W. 56th St.N…`, `1431 Third Ave.…`, `260 W. 29th St.…`
1431 Third Ave.New York, NY 10028 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 49} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `47 W. 56th St.N…`, `603 Second Ave.…`, `260 W. 29th St.…`, `139 Duane St.Ne…`
260 W. 29th St.New York, NY 10001 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 50} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `603 Second Ave.…`, `1431 Third Ave.…`, `139 Duane St.Ne…`, `1293 Lexington…`
139 Duane St.New York, NY 10013 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 51} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1431 Third Ave.…`, `260 W. 29th St.…`, `1293 Lexington…`, `828 Ninth Ave.N…`
1293 Lexington Ave.New York, NY 10128 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 52} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `260 W. 29th St.…`, `139 Duane St.Ne…`, `828 Ninth Ave.N…`, `391 Henry St.Br…`
828 Ninth Ave.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 53} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `139 Duane St.Ne…`, `1293 Lexington…`, `391 Henry St.Br…`, `55 Little W. 12…`
391 Henry St.Brooklyn, NY 11201 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 54} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1293 Lexington…`, `828 Ninth Ave.N…`, `55 Little W. 12…`, `406 Broome St.N…`
55 Little W. 12th St.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 55} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `828 Ninth Ave.N…`, `391 Henry St.Br…`, `406 Broome St.N…`, `590 Lexington A…`
406 Broome St.New York, NY 10013 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 56} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `391 Henry St.Br…`, `55 Little W. 12…`, `590 Lexington A…`, `212 W. 57th St.…`
590 Lexington Ave.New York, NY 10022 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 57} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `55 Little W. 12…`, `406 Broome St.N…`, `212 W. 57th St.…`, `25 W. 40th St.N…`
212 W. 57th St.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 58} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `406 Broome St.N…`, `590 Lexington A…`, `25 W. 40th St.N…`, `120 Hudson St.N…`
25 W. 40th St.New York, NY 10018 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 59} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `590 Lexington A…`, `212 W. 57th St.…`, `120 Hudson St.N…`, `1540 BroadwayNe…`
120 Hudson St.New York, NY 10013 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 60} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `212 W. 57th St.…`, `25 W. 40th St.N…`, `1540 BroadwayNe…`, `1631 Second Ave…`
1540 BroadwayNew York, NY 10036 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 61} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `25 W. 40th St.N…`, `120 Hudson St.N…`, `1631 Second Ave…`, `1750 Second Ave…`
1631 Second Ave.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 62} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `120 Hudson St.N…`, `1540 BroadwayNe…`, `1750 Second Ave…`, `5 Mott St.New Y…`
1750 Second Ave.New York, NY 10128 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 63} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1540 BroadwayNe…`, `1631 Second Ave…`, `5 Mott St.New Y…`, `217 E. 49th St.…`
5 Mott St.New York, NY 100 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 64} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1631 Second Ave…`, `1750 Second Ave…`, `217 E. 49th St.…`, `The Waldorf Ast…`
217 E. 49th St.New York, NY 10017 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 65} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1750 Second Ave…`, `5 Mott St.New Y…`, `The Waldorf Ast…`, `7217 Third Ave.…`
The Waldorf AstoriaLexington Ave. & 49th St.New York, NY 10022 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 66} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `5 Mott St.New Y…`, `217 E. 49th St.…`, `7217 Third Ave.…`, `1022 Third Ave.…`
7217 Third Ave.Brooklyn, NY 11209 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 67} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `217 E. 49th St.…`, `The Waldorf Ast…`, `1022 Third Ave.…`, `174 Elizabeth S…`
1022 Third Ave.New York, NY 10065 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 68} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `The Waldorf Ast…`, `7217 Third Ave.…`, `174 Elizabeth S…`, `172 Bleecker St…`
174 Elizabeth St.New York, NY 10012 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 69} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `7217 Third Ave.…`, `1022 Third Ave.…`, `172 Bleecker St…`, `1070 1st Ave.Ne…`
172 Bleecker St.New York, NY 10012 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 70} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `1022 Third Ave.…`, `174 Elizabeth S…`, `1070 1st Ave.Ne…`, `105 W. 13th St.…`
1070 1st Ave.New York, NY 10022 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 71} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `174 Elizabeth S…`, `172 Bleecker St…`, `105 W. 13th St.…`, `214 Smith St.Br…`
105 W. 13th St.New York, NY 10011 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 0, "col": 2, "row": 72} context:
column `Address`, neighbouring address rows: `172 Bleecker St…`, `1070 1st Ave.Ne…`, `214 Smith St.Br…`, `249 Columbus Av…`