Arnold, John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 293} context:
X-From: Arnold, John </O=ENRON
Mayor, Philip confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 354} context:
X-To: Mayor, Philip </O=ENRON
Mayor, Philip confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 939, "part": ""} context:
be made.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mayor, Philip
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 7:38 AM
Arnold, John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 998} context:
To: Arnold, John
Subject: Volatility
Laura Luce confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1093} context:
a summer analyst working with Laura Luce in the central gas desk
Chris Gaskill confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1638} context:
be on the extranet. Chris Gaskill, who is generally our
last_name [count=7]
Arnold confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 293} context:
X-From: Arnold, John </O
Mayor confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 354} context:
X-To: Mayor, Philip </O
Arnold confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 460} context:
Non-Privileged)\Arnold, John\Sent Items
Mayor confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 939} context:
From: Mayor, Philip
Arnold confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 998} context:
To: Arnold, John
Luce confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1099} context:
summer analyst working with Laura Luce in the central gas desk
Gaskill confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1644} context:
on the extranet. Chris Gaskill, who is generally our
first_name [count=8]
John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 301} context:
-From: Arnold, John </O=ENRON
Philip confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 361} context:
-To: Mayor, Philip </O=ENRON
John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 468} context:
Privileged)\Arnold, John\Sent Items
Philip confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 946} context:
From: Mayor, Philip
Sent: Wednesday
John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1006} context:
To: Arnold, John
Subject: Volatility
John confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1044} context:
Volatility information
Laura confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1093} context:
a summer analyst working with Laura Luce in the central gas
Chris confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1638} context:
be on the extranet. Chris Gaskill, who is generally