Cheryl D confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 124} context:
From: Mills, Cheryl D <MillsCD@state.
Cheryl D confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 241} context:
From: Mills, Cheryl D
Sent: Wednesday,
Boucher, Richard A confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 299} context:
33 AM
To: Boucher, Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3
Lew, Jacob confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 319} context:
Boucher, Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3; Campbell, Piper
Boucher, Richard A confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 515, "part": ""} context:
to serve.
From: Boucher, Richard A
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:16 AM
Lew, Jacob confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 583} context:
16 AM
To: Lew, Jacob 3; Mills, Cheryl
Cheryl D confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 604} context:
Jacob 3; Mills, Cheryl D; Campbell, Piper
Karen Kornbluh confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1075} context:
have already hooked up with Karen Kornbluh with pledges of mutual
email [count=1]
[email protected] confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 134} context:
From: Mills, Cheryl D <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
last_name [count=4]
Boucher confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 299} context:
33 AM
To: Boucher, Richard A; Lew
Lew confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 319} context:
Boucher, Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3; Campbell
Boucher confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 515} context:
From: Boucher, Richard A
Lew confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 583} context:
16 AM
To: Lew, Jacob 3; Mills
first_name [count=8]
Richard A confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 308} context:
To: Boucher, Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3
Richard confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 308, "part": ""} context:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:33 AM
To: Boucher, Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3; Campbell, Piper
Jacob confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 324} context:
Richard A; Lew, Jacob 3; Campbell, Piper
Richard confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 370} context:
: RE: Success
We are so
Richard A confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 524} context:
From: Boucher, Richard A
Sent: Wednesday,
Richard confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 524, "part": ""} context:
From: Boucher, Richard A
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:16 AM
Jacob confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 588} context:
To: Lew, Jacob 3; Mills, Cheryl
Richard confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1324} context:
can make it.