[email protected] confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 7253} context:
federal max prison
item email: [email protected]
item response: Being present to
[email protected] confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 7637} context:
25, female-27
item email: [email protected]
item response: With so much
phone [count=3]
908-208-5986 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1088} context:
d a daughter 27
item email: [email protected] /cell 908-208-5986
item response: I believe it is harder today to ra
646 634-4360 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 4063} context:
ls (17, 11, 8)
item email: [email protected] 646 634-4360
item response: I have followed my dad's footsteps
646 634-4360 confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 6654} context:
ls (17, 11, 8)
item email: [email protected] 646 634-4360
item response: The most challenging aspect of bei
country_code [count=2]
Pa confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 5041} context:
item state: Pa
Ga confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 7568} context:
item state: Ga