Jeff McMahon confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 39, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
we announced the appointment of Jeff McMahon as Enron's chief
Andy Fastow confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 398, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
the issues before us. Andy Fastow will be on a leave
first_name [count=6]
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 39, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
we announced the appointment of Jeff McMahon as Enron's
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 244, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
to restore investor confidence. Jeff has unparalleled qualifications and a
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 461, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
the company.
Jeff had been serving as chairman
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 688, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
U.S., Jeff was executive vice president of
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 997, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
turn it around. Appointing Jeff as CFO is one important
Jeff confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 1276, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
Please join me in giving Jeff your full support, and
last_name [count=1]
McMahon confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 44, "part": "\u003cGYV5TIX22SF00LBCYPSY5H2QBKUZBRM2A@zlsvr22\u003e/0/body.txt"} context:
announced the appointment of Jeff McMahon as Enron's chief
Storage metadata
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 15:50:19 -0700 (PDT) Wed, 24 Oct 2001 15:50:19 -0500
"Ken Lay- Chairman of the Board@ENRON"