Pachuca Hidalgo confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 4817} context:
Fototeca Nacional del Inah, Pachuca Hidalgo, MX
Fototeca del
Leon CONARTE confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 5257, "part": ""} context:
Acquisition Prize, Fototeca de Nuevo Leon CONARTE, Monterrey MX
KLM Paul Huf
Paul Huf confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 5288} context:
, Monterrey MX
KLM Paul Huf Award nominee, Foam Museum
Paul Huf confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 5546} context:
Lumpur, Malaysia
KLM Paul Huf Award nominee, Foam Museum
David Wright confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 6624} context:
Book), Eds. David Wright and Ethan Jones, Published
Ethan Jones confidence: 1.0 position: {"char": 6641} context:
Eds. David Wright and Ethan Jones, Published by Booksmart Studio