Implementing Poincaré Embeddings

Jayant Jain gensim, Open Source 10 Comments

I have been working on implementing a model called Poincaré embeddings over the last month or so. The model is from an interesting paper by Facebook AI Research – Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations [1]. This post describes the model at a relatively high level of abstraction, and the detailed technical challenges faced in the process of implementing it.

FastText and Gensim word embeddings

Jayant Jain gensim

Facebook Research open sourced a great project recently – fastText, a fast (no surprise) and effective method to learn word representations and perform text classification. I was curious about comparing these embeddings to other commonly used embeddings, so word2vec seemed like the obvious choice, especially considering fastText embeddings are an extension of word2vec. The main goal of the Fast Text …